We match properties and rooms offered through this Register of Pledges with refugees who we support through multiple programmes.
We are looking for vacant properties or spare rooms all around Ireland so that we can help people who are fleeing conflict. Help us help them find a home here and integrate into our communities. The more information you give us about your property or spare room and the surrounding amenities, the better we are able to match people whose needs will be well suited to it.
We always consider the best interest of property owners and hosts along with those we are working to support. Your property or room could change a life.
Open Home, Open Heart
Afghanistan and Syrian Response - Programme Refugees
This programme supports those invited to Ireland by our Government from conflict zones such as Afghanistan. We provide full service casework supports within this programme to ensure beneficiaries achieve long term integration into Irish Society.
We promote engagement with education, employment, social protection and health service - liaising with the wider Government led Resettlement Programme across Ireland.
This work is supported by the Irish Refugee Protection Programme in the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
"I like rain in Ireland, in Syria, the rain was bombs..."
Ukraine Crisis Response
We run a programme that matches Ukrainian people seeking temporary refuge in Ireland with householders throughout the country. We provide support for both the newly arrived person and the family hosting them.
We lead a Consortium of partners in this response with DCEDIY. The Consortium includes International Organisation for Migration, Helping Irish Hosts and Doras.
"If you have a spare room, it's a good thing to do..."
Community Sponsorship Ireland
Within this programme, we work with multiple NGOs including the Irish Refugee Council, NASC and Doras to encourage and support local groups throughout Ireland welcoming families to Ireland. Community Sponsorship Ireland - Irish Red Cross
This work is supported by the IRPP in DCEDIY and Funded by the European Union Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.

Restoring Family Links
This programme supports people who are living in life threatening situations in their home countries to travel to Ireland.
This programme unites refugees with family already living in Ireland. Find Missing Family - Irish Red Cross